DILIDIS is back again! ❤
Your montly monday filled and covered with dirty bingo jokes. Next instalment on 8th of November at Tenho from 18 onwards.
DILDIS tulee taas! ❤
Kaikkien rakastama rivo ja rietas bingo-hassuttelu järjestetään keskiviikkona 8.11. Tenhossa klo 18->.
The host is as always Uncle Pertti, the music is provided by DJ Wel-Z. The name does not hide which prizes are to be expected, its a guarantee.
www.kaalimato.com & Giggeli.com
Isäntänä toimii Pertti-setä, musiikista vastaa DJ Wel-Z. Luvassa asiaankuuluvia palkintoja.
www.kaalimato.com & Giggeli.com
The first round of madness starts at 18:45!
Ensimmäinen erä alkaa klo 18:45!
Tenho Restobar, Helsinginkatu 15
Kitchen 16-21 / Bar -23
Afterwork offers 16-18